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Lesson 6

In which a camera becomes a tool for developing
gratitude, treasure hunting, and focus

Falling In Love

In 2007, we bought a camera. It wasn't fancy, not a DSLR, just a Canon PowerShot, but it took amazing macro closeups, and I fell in love.

Not with the camera,

I fell in love

with the prairie,

the purple coneflowers,

alfalfa blooms,

the smell of hay,

swathers making lined patterns in hayfields,

tractors with balers scooping up hay and dotting the countryside with round bales,

chipped paint on barnwood,

dewdrops on grass,

sunflowers in every stage of growth,

robins, goldfinches, juncos, buntings, grosbeaks, orioles, woodpeckers,

barbed wire fences,

sunlight silouhettes of cattle,

my husband's work gloves,

his hands as they gripped 

a steering wheel, sorting stick, vaccine gun,

his arms that carried a new baby calf

from a calf sled into straw in the barn

with a mama cow's breath freezing in the air

as she puffed over his shoulder,

with pudding covered toddler faces,

pretty beads spilled on the carpet,

chubby fingers,

and dirty hands

holding out wildflower boquets,

apples growing in Papa and Grandma's yard,

apple blossoms and apple peels,

sunlight through blonde hair in prairie wind,

muck boots in mud puddles.


I fell in love





I don't know all of the technical

how-to's of my camera,

but I do know that

a walk with my camera

helps calm my anxieties

and bring healing to hurt

places in my soul.


Some times

the best photographs


on my worst days


in hard seasons.

Because it is then

that I drop everything


go for a walk

with my camera.


So today I have

some videos for you about

open eyes to see beautiful things

in this messy life


about keeping your eyes, ears, and heart

wide open

because you never know

when or where

the miracle

of an answered prayer


show up.



Finding Abundance

I have come that they may have life,

and that they may have it



~ Jesus Christ ~

{John 10:10}


In the video below, I want you to take note of the photographs in the slide show at the beginning.

The photos are from the day that I read about in the journal.

You might miss the significance

if you don't put the words and the photos together.

Sometimes the photos are more about the story of your heart

 than they are about stunning quality of photography.

A quality shot is always icing on the cake and the more you know your camera, the better you can get a great picture.

However, if you can't get the perfect picture, at least capture the moment so that you can preserve the memory, the life lesson, the emotion.

The combination of words and pictures keeps the story.

Then you have material for your journal

for a print or canvas on your wall,

or to create an art collage.

When people comment on a photo or art,

it opens the door to tell your story

and you remember the wonder and awe in it once again.

Discovering Divine in Everyday Moments

Open the eyes of my heart

Miracles: You Never Know When...
Miracles: You Never Know When... Part 2


I learned how to make these wood plaques in Jeanne Oliver's online class: Woodland Girls.

You can find Jeanne and her rich menu of classes in her creative network at

The Mary Oliver quote is from her collection of poems in her book Thirst.


Ordinary Miracle from the movie Charlotte's Web
performed by Jacksonville Children's Chorus

I found this video searching for the song Ordinary Miracle performed by Sarah McLachlan.  

Children's voices bring it to life in a precious way. 

Take a listen to the words.

While you're at it, rent the movie Charlotte's Web from 2006 with Dakota Fanning.

The song plays at the very end while the credits role . . . and tears stream down my face.

Be a seeker of beauty and miracles in every day life.  

Dare to pray for them.

Then keep your eyes, ears, and heart wide open.

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