Lesson 7
One day she decided to live the legacy she wanted to leave.
If I want to leave a legacy of courage,
I have to live the things I believe in wholeheartedly
even if they scare the pants off me.
I also can release the legacy.
I do not have to control it.
I cannot control the choices that other people make,
the thoughts they think,
the beliefs they carry,
or the response of those I love
to my words and actions.
I have the responsibility for how I live.
That living does plant seeds of legacy
that I may or may not see grow to maturity.
I do however, want to know,
that I did my best to live
and that my loved ones
know who I am, what I believe,
and how deeply I love them.
I want to be seen by them
and I want them to know that I have taken care
to really see them
and know who they are and support
the following of their own calling.
It take time.
It takes intention.
It takes courage.