Lesson 3
One day she stopped hiding in fear and stood up in faith.
The place that God calls us is that place where the world's deep hunger and our deep desire meet.
~ Frederick Buechner
Well done, good and faithful servant!
You have been faithful
with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things.
Come and share
your master's
Matthew 25:21
Today I share with you a story from the Bible in which I have found courage to move ahead in faith. Whenever I face a new challenge, a life transition large or small, or I sense a new and scary direction that comes with a sense of purpose, longing, and a good gift to be shared, this lesson comes to mind.
Actions of value feel risky and vulnerable.
This story awakens my heart to follow the call, because there is a reward for faith and a consequence for fear.
Finding Courage in The Parable of the Talents
Parable of Talents Part 1
Frying Pan Gifts
Parable of Talents Part 2
Calling ~ A Bit of My Story
The Gift of Calling
Collage Sheets for Journal Cover
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